Learn something new.
And have fun doing it.

The (Back) End
Doors front man Jim Morrison, despite his later on-stage antics, used to sing facing away from the audience in the early days. He was actually quite shy.
Want Fries with That?

Five Guys deliberately spills extra fries in the bag so it looks like you got “too many.” Clever guys…
A Ring for You... And You... And You...

On average, the winning NFL Super Bowl team contracts for about 150 championship rings, counting staff, coaches, and even the team doc. Total cost to team owners? About $5 million, give or take.

NFL teams spend somewhere between $30,000 and $50,000 per Super Bowl ring after the big win. Most of the bill is footed by the winning team.
Deep Thoughts

If a politician speaks for two straight hours, but no one is listening, are they still lying?

When a man sits next to a pretty girl for an hour, it seems like a minute. Let him sit on a hot stove for a minute and it’s longer than any hour. That’s relativity. Albert Einstein
Nothing Good...
Nothing good ever happens after midnight. — Mom