

Creditors have better memories than debtors. Ben Franklin


I think and think for months and years. Ninety Nine times, the conclusion is false. The hundredth time I am right. Albert Einstein

The Future

The best thing about the future is that it only comes one day at a time.  Abraham Lincoln

Opening doors…


Double sets of doors are the Kobayashi Maru of gentlemanly conduct.

Big Government

Since 1792, the US population has increased by a factor of 88 (3.9 to 342M). Federal Government spending has increased by a factor of 55,785 ($121 million in today’s dollars to $6.75 trillion)

Bad Marketing…

Whoever said, “A little pain won’t hurt you,” would have sucked at selling Advil.

Reality Acting

When Poltergeist’s Diane (JoBeth Williams) fell into the pool, it was largely filled with real human skeletons. She didn’t know that until after the scene was completed.

Jazz Hands

Jazz pianist Ryo Fukui began his music career by teaching himself the accordion at age 18. Thankfully, he shifted his autodidactic tendencies to piano at 22.

Ever wonder about...

Whose idea was it to drink cow milk?
Is there weather inside the world’s largest building?
Do hangovers get worse as you get older?
How many stars are in our universe?

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