Learn something new.
And have fun doing it.

The (Back) End
Doors front man Jim Morrison, despite his later on-stage antics, used to sing facing away from the audience in the early days. He was actually quite shy.

Tiny brains
“Thinking small is a self-fulfilling prophecy.” Jeff Bezos, Robert Kiyosaki and a bunch of others.

Election consequences?
After decades of careful observation, I’ve noticed hardly anyone ever spontaneously combusts after their person doesn’t win the election.

Listen up!
Dave Grohl of Nirvana, Foo Fighters, et al. fame composes and plays primarily by ear. He never really learned to read sheet music.

No rush. Lowest rate please.
Between 1913 and 1920 it was technically possible to mail a child through the post office. A loophole intended for live animals, it was used numerous times for human children. Tempting, I know.

No rest for the weary...
Abraham Lincoln was exhumed 17 times before finally being laid to rest (for the last time) in Springfield, Illinois.

Eating words
Eating words has never given me indigestion.Winston Churchill.