The Greatest Constitutional Amendment Ever?

I thought it might be fun to share one of the more amusing stories of a proposed constitutional amendment. On reflection, it does seem to make a lot of sense today…

In 1922, Wisconsin representative Victor Berger proposed a constitutional amendment to abolish the United States Senate. You can sense his frustration level from the preamble to his proposed amendment.

“Whereas the Senate, in particular, has become an obstructive and useless body, a menace to the liberties of the people, and an obstacle to social growth; a body, many of the Members of which are representatives neither of a State nor of its people, but solely of certain predatory combinations, and a body which, by reason of the corruption often attending the election of its Members, has furnished the gravest public scandals in the history of the nation…”

Hmm. I might be in support of this one, perhaps we can resurrect it?

For more fun facts about our constitution and the great self-governance experiment, check out my book, The Practical Guide to the United States Constitution.

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